An illusionary dance of data

I recommend to read the previous one post because some things are quite related . Mind works on the basis of memory . For example a child who have never seen blue colour in his lifetime can't imagine blue colour . You also can't think of a completely new sound . Can you? Try yourself . All you can do at max is that think two different sound at the same time , that really sounds like a different one but when you analyse that ,you can get two or more basic sound . Just like that you can make different shades of colour in your mind or try to imagine two colour at once . Nothing else. Thought is all about your own history of experience . You may have read hundreds of qoutes on creativity but creativity is all about connecting the dots already there,not creating a new one. Just like when a poet sees the clouds , he tries to resemble that in his mind with a similar thing and that's how a me...