An illusionary dance of data

I recommend to read the previous one post because some things are quite related .

Mind works on the basis of memory . For example a child who have never seen blue colour in his lifetime can't imagine blue colour . You also can't think of a completely new sound . Can you? Try yourself . 

All you can do at max is that think two different sound at the same time , that really sounds like a different one but when you analyse that ,you can get two or more basic sound . Just like that you can make different shades of colour in your mind or try to imagine two colour at once . Nothing else.

Thought is all about your own history of experience . You may have read hundreds of qoutes on creativity but creativity is all about connecting the dots already there,not creating a new one. Just like when a poet sees the clouds , he tries to resemble that in his mind with a similar thing and that's how a metaphor is made . Theoritical scientists are also not much different. They connect the theories they already have studied or at max they make a new theory based on the real life experience .

 Like , Einstein himself saw that when space itself curves the matter is bound to move on that , like when your road is curved, you have to move on that way , so you also have to bend . He connected a lot of dots and gave a new theory of gravity . That's how creativity works . scrowdinger related the matter waves to the general equation of sinusuidal back and forth motion of objects and did some mathematical works which also was there in memory. wrote down his famous equation. Brilliance is only there that how nicely , how beautifully you connect the dots.
Every theory develops like that.

So how can you think of getting to a higher truth , a upper version of yourself on the basis of your historical experiences ? that doesn't work that way . mind and body are just gatherings , one is all about the atoms you have collected from earth and another is a dance of gathered data . Ideas are webs connecting the dots of stored data

Relax you have gathered all these , you can get out of it . That's what meditation is all about . A process of unlearning and going to the true self the true form without any assumptions . 

It's a nice thing to wonder that how real they seems to us , how nicely nature fools us . But in a true sence nature has made fogs but also has  given us the power to clear the fogs . A true observer can only get this . Observe life without taking any assumptions . Don't listen to the society while wondering . Don't let your explorations effected by anyone else's nonsense. That's not your business. A true seeker of truth don't believe anything without questioning. Let your wow become how . Get lost yourself in the journey to yourself . The end is of course wonderful but the journey itself is not any less. 

So you are not only a thought generator . Because when you didn't had any experience at all you was there existing ." I think therefore I am "is a wrong notion.

Hey, now you are not the body nor the mind , then who are you ? Try to ask yourself. Who am I ? Explore . We will discuss about a deeper you in next post . 


  1. Thanks bro I get the answer of my previous question in these post.thanks and I like to connect the dots!


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